Explanation of Attendance Letter
Greetings Stevenson Families,
BUSD attendance policies require us to notify families when a child accrues 3+ unexcused absences, 7+ illness-related absences or 3+ tardies. We hope the information below will help you interpret the enclosed letter and identify steps to improve your child’s attendance. Please remember that you are responsible for reporting each day that your child is absent from school by calling the front office (818) 729-5700 or submitting the Google Attendance Form.
If Any Absences are UNEXCUSED
We understand your child may be absent from school for non-medical reasons (emergencies, family trips, etc). Whenever possible, please schedule trips outside of school. The impact of missing school for an emergency or vacation can be minimized by working with your child’s teacher to obtain work ahead of time. Please note the number of days they have been absent to ensure they aren’t missing excessive school for unnecessary reasons.
If All Absences are ILLNESS or MEDICAL
We appreciate you keeping your child home when they are ill. We also appreciate you notifying the school of the reason for your child’s absence. Although your child’s absences are legitimate and necessary, they are still missing valuable instruction at school with their teacher and classmates. If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to consult with your child’s physician to determine if there are other steps that could prevent future absences. Please keep in mind, when a student has had 14 absences in the school year for illness, any further absences for illness must be verified by a physician.
If Your Child has Any TARDIES
Students are considered tardy if they are not present when school begins. We know there are factors outside of our control that occasionally make all of us later than intended. However, if your child has a pattern of tardiness, consider changes to your routine that can improve their promptness, such as preparing clothes and food the night before, coordinating with a carpool, or setting an earlier alarm.
Our Attendance Team (Intervention Specialist, Principal and Student Services Coordinator) periodically schedules in-person School Attendance Review Team Meetings with parents to discuss attendance concerns and solutions. These meetings are not punitive and are designed to improve your child’s overall attendance. You will be contacted with a meeting date/time (meetings last approximately 10-15 mins).
Thank you for your partnership in ensuring your child is at school and on time whenever possible.